Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sumer Is Icumen In

I have been feeling slightly guilty about not updating the blog more frequently, so here goes... it's not for lack of things to write about for sure! It's more a case of having lots going on at once.

First, we have finally changed over to the summer schedule at work and so I have been adjusting to that. It has actually been good to have morning sessions, even though I am not by nature a morning person. I have been using the impetus provided by getting up earlier to begin exercising a little bit every day. I have never succeeded with this when I have made it a formal resolution, but doing it this way seems to be working.

Second, I have been knitting along on my second sweater, which is going to be for Dave. It's a seamless bottom-up raglan in Lamb's Pride Bulky in blue. I have done the body up to the underarms and am now working on the sleeves.

Third, I have recently been taken by a fascination for weaving... I really want to learn how to do it but I'm not sure what's the best way to get started.

I've also been playing around with KnitML a little bit lately too. I'll talk more about that in another post.

Finally, here's a video from Circulus, a band that is entirely otherwise from anything you're familiar with, which explains the title of this post:


ColorJoy LynnH said...

Rae's been weaving lately, and taking weaving classes at events such as TNNA. She might have some good input as to how to try weaving without diving in full-force.

She has a small loom that she can take up and down stairs, or put on a table, if I have it right. She's tried a few other looms at conferences. I'd touch base with her, perhaps.

I keep thinking of knitting sweaters, buying yarn for them, even swatching. Not as far as casting on, though! Good that you're doing so well.

Jon said...

Part of what I'm wondering about is if I should start with a rigid-heddle loom or just go straight to a 4-shaft loom? In other words, would a rigid heddle be too limiting? I can see myself wanting to get into all sorts of different weave structures eventually, but I can also see myself wanting to do a lot of color patterns (think tartan!) as well.