Sunday, August 19, 2012

Language Updates

The last few days have been rather productive as far as the language projects go. I have been working thru a larger Catalan collection on Memrise (about 1000 words) and by the end of today will be about 25% of the way thru it.

Other Catalan activity: following Kato Lomb's advice to start reading from the very beginning, I headed over to Project Gutenberg and downloaded La Mare Balena by Victor Catala and started reading it and trying to intuit the text.

I have also been doing the Baza Radikaro (basic root collection) for Esperanto just to fill in a few gaps in my knowledge there. This is a set of about 2500 words and roots collected by the Akademio de Esperanto which enable wide-ranging everyday conversation. Due to the word formation rules of Esperanto, it actually corresponds to something like 15000 words in other languages. Many of them I already know, but as I wrote before, it's good to fill in gaps.

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